The CheckPoint SkillBuilder Series™ - an affordable e-Learning platform that any company can adopt for portable Internet Leadership Training. It consists of 18 self-paced, self-improvement programs designed to help managers improve their performance. The SkillBuilder Series is a companion to the CheckPoint 360° Competency Feedback System, offering managers the opportunity to develop the competencies that are most important to their professional growth and success. Available exclusively on the Internet.

Performance Leadership Development - Solving The Four Piece Management Puzzle™ This is a comprehensive Management Training Program that breaks leadership into four easily identified and understood areas of concentration. In addition, it combines individual analysis with the highly successful "Models for Management" training programs validated by Teleometrics International. This combination of richly developed and delivered training programs will turn Managers into Leaders!
Models for Management™can also be delivered as a stand-alone management training program. It helps participants understand their own management "Style" and learn how to adopt a proven, productive and highly successful management style validated by Teleometrics International.