
Training & Development



The CheckPoint SkillBuilder Series™ - an affordable e-Learning platform that any company can adopt for portable Internet Leadership Training. It consists of 18 self-paced, self-improvement programs designed to help managers improve their performance. The SkillBuilder Series is a companion to the CheckPoint 360° Competency Feedback System, offering managers the opportunity to develop the competencies that are most important to their professional growth and success. Available exclusively on the Internet.


Performance Leadership Development - Solving The Four Piece Management Puzzle™  This is a comprehensive Management Training Program that breaks leadership into four easily identified and understood areas of concentration. In addition, it combines  individual analysis with the highly successful "Models for Management" training programs validated by Teleometrics International. This combination of richly developed and delivered training programs will turn Managers into Leaders!



Models for Managementcan also be delivered as a stand-alone management training program. It helps participants understand their own management "Style" and learn how to adopt a proven, productive and highly successful management style validated by Teleometrics International.



Decision Point Targeted Leadership Training - Turning Managers Into Leaders™.  Leadership involves a number of skills - Executives need to master these skills if they are going to get the best from themselves and their teams. Decision Point is a leader in providing classroom training that allows Leaders to achieve GREATNESS!


Decision Point Sales Training - building a successful sales PATH™.  Sales Executives create the energy and profit cycle of an organization. Getting success in this area is critical to a company's growth and development. This session teaches a method that allows the sales person to connect with the potential client in a way that builds a lasting and profitable business relatioinship. 



The Golden Triangle™ is a complete system of management development. People are complex and Leaders today manage in that complex world. The Golden Triangle™ addresses that reality by helping Leaders understand the skills they own and which they need to improve, but more importantly really understand WHY they find some skills easy to execute and WHY they find others difficult to embrace. Lastly, it provides powerful training alternatives that address the specific needs of each individual.



Executive Coaching is a smart choice for busy leaders who want to grow quickly and make things happen. Leadership can take time to learn...or you can get the help you need and make a difference NOW!



Webinar Participants:

If you are scheduled for a Webinar - Click on this link and enter all pertinent information including your Participant Login Access Code to join your Webinar.  ENJOY THE LEARNING! 

