Call Center Survey Call centers employ millions of people. Telemarketing has become an important marketing method, but the industry needs better hiring methods in order to become more efficient. Being an effective call center employee requires far more than the ability to speak on the telephone. That’s the need the Profiles Call Center Survey addresses.
What it Takes to Succeed The Profiles Call Center Survey measures a variety of characteristics, each of them is important to being productive in a call center environment. These characteristics are:
- Understanding of Sales Practices
- Assertiveness (Persuasive, Confident, Outgoing)
- Persistence (Persevering, Unwavering, Emotionally tough)
- Empathy (People-focused, Relationship-oriented)
- Drive (High competitive, Aggressive, Opportunistic)
- Organization (Organized, Conforms, Routine-focused)
- Maturity (Sound judgment, Stable, Tolerant)
- Creativity (Inventive, Unique, Innovative)
- Incentive (Recognition, Feedback, External)
Use for Hiring and Assessing Employees The Profiles Call Center Survey can be used for hiring and for assessing people who are already employed in a call center to identify training needs. It takes about 20 minutes to complete the survey over the Internet, on a computer, or using a survey booklet. Two types of computer-generated reports are available. One is geared toward the qualities essential to making outbound sales and the other to inbound sales. Results are presented in graphic and narrative formats for easy understanding of an individual’s good, moderate or poor job match. Additional reports can be generated to identify training needs in the sales practices area, making the Profiles Call Center Survey a great training tool.
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