



One learns how to lead by modeling the behaviors of other leaders, managers, and people they have come in contact with during their life experience and professional career.  Unfortunately, this form of Leadership Modeling is highly ineffective and subjective as it can only be observed by one's own personal experience and limited exposure. Confusion concerning leadership has arisen by imperfect modeling and the proliferation of books and theories by so-called experts, which show no quantifiable evidence of validity.

Using a database of thousands of leaders across many industries, our research shows definitively that there are some common behavioral characteristics that the top achieving leaders employ that sets them apart from their lesser achieving colleagues. These leaders were most highly valued by their respective companies and were promoted faster and given the most responsibility for managing their organization’s assets and people.

Leadership is not just dumb-luck; there is a model for effective leadership that exists and it can be modeled by others.


Using a process of learning and self-discovery,  The Leadership Modeling developed by TeleoMetrics International and delivered by certified Decision Point Facilitators 

produces a comprehensive learning experience that :


ü     Teaches the behavioral characteristics of High Achieving Leaders

ü      Identifies the gaps that currently exist in one’s leadership style

ü     Explains the consequences of those behaviors in the workplace

ü     Gives participants a new benchmark for leadership to model



"Models for Management"

Development is a process, not an event.  Unlike seminars which concern themselves with only a single behavioral theory or model - one piece of the management jigsaw puzzle - the Models for Management program presents an integrated synthesis of validated behavioral models that address managerial and organizational productivity.

Management Values
Discover how we expand our effectiveness as managers and leaders.

Employee Involvement
Discover how we "turn on" employees' willingness to work and participate.

Discover how the way we communicate energizes the work climate.

Work Motivation
Discover how to boost performance by harnessing the motivation powerhouse.

Discover how the way we use power can help organizational performance.

Group Decision Making / Team Building
Discover how to transform low-performing groups into triumphant winners.

Management Style
Discover how well your management style works - and what to do if it doesn't.