
The Profile XT™
The Profile XT™ is a "Total person" assessment that has a myriad of uses. It measures the job-related qualities that make a person productive - Thinking and Reasoning Style, Behavioral Traits, and Occupational Interests. It is convenient and easy to use on the Internet - no administrator or proctoring is required.

The Profile XT is used for placement, promotion, self-improvement, coaching, succession planning, and job description development. Our clients tell us The Profile XT is three to five times more effective than any other assessment they have used. It is a versatile management tool that develops Job Match Patterns that can be customized by company, department, manager, position, geography, or any combination of these factors.

Job Match Patterns Make the Difference

Job Match Patterns are effective because they compare the qualities of your job candidates to the attributes of your most productive employees. The patterns tell you whether candidates are like or different from your top performers. A study published in the Harvard Business Review concluded that Job Match more accurately predicts job success than any of the commonly accepted factors, such as education, experience, or job training. Matching people so they fit the work they do builds productivity and job-satisfaction and diminish negative factors such as stress, tension, conflict, miscommunication, and costly employee turnover.

Several Valuable Reports
The Profile XT produces these informative reports:

  • Individual Reports - Providing a guide for self-understanding.

  • Placement Reports - For putting the right people in the right jobs using Job Match Patterns.

  • Succession Planning Reports - Used for succession planning and assigning employees to new positions.

  • Multi-Candidate Match Reports - Compares the attributes of several candidates to the requirements of a specific job.

  • Coaching Reports - Used for training, development, and motivation.

  • Job Analysis Reports - Ideal for accurately defining job requirements and job descriptions.

  • Summary Reports - They give you a "snapshot" of essential information about employees and job candidates.

  • Graph Reports - A visual representation of Job Match data.

Easy to Use
The Profile XT is conveniently administered on the Internet, so you can assess employees and job candidates anywhere there is Internet access. Other administration options are available on request. Results are available immediately and can be shared with decision makers in any of your company's offices, anywhere in the world. You can retrieve any or all of the variety of Profile XT reports at no additional cost. Results are immediate thanks to computer technology and you get your requested reports in minutes.

Use with Complete Confidence
The Profile XT satisfies all requirements of the EEOC, the ADA, the DOL, and the Civil Rights Act. It was designed and developed to be specifically job-related and has been validated in accordance with American Psychological Association standards. The Profile XT is validated to be Age-blind, Gender-blind, and Ethnicity-blind. It measures only those factors relevant to selecting the best people to fit the requirements of specific jobs.

The Profile XT is the One to Use
The Profile XT is much more than an assessment. It gives you customized Job Match patterns, suggests relevant interview questions, yields a percentage match when comparing a candidate to your top performers, provides a detailed positive analysis of the individuals you assess, and can provide thousands of "experienced" Job Match Patterns for use in developing your own patterns.

The Profile XT is the assessment to use for a thorough analysis of people, job responsibilities, and Job Match. It is an extremely valuable management tool that will help you build a stronger, more productive organization and reach your important goals because you are putting the best people in the best jobs.

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