The CheckPoint 360 Competency Feedback System™ is a powerful professional development tool, that positively impacts an individual's growth and career and an organization's success. For managers, supervisors and others in leadership positions, it can facilitate peak performance that generates improved productivity. CheckPoint quantifies a participant's competencies, verifies the results from a variety of perspectives and identifies ways to enhance skills.
The CheckPoint SkillBuilder Series™ - an affordable e-Learning platform that any company can adopt for portable Internet Leadership Training. It consists of 18 self-paced, self-improvement programs designed to help managers improve their performance. The SkillBuilder Series is a companion to the CheckPoint 360° Competency Feedback System, offering managers the opportunity to develop the competencies that are most important to their professional growth and success. Available exclusively on the Internet.

The Golden Triangle™ is a complete system of management development. People are complex and Leaders today manage in that complex world. The Golden Triangle™ addresses that reality by helping Leaders understand the skills they own and which they need to improve, but more importantly really understand WHY they find some skills easy to execute and WHY they find others difficult to embrace. Lastly, it provides powerful training alternatives that address the specific needs of each individual.
Profiles Performance Indicator™ measures five key personality factors and their impact on seven critically important aspects of success in business. The report helps you understand how an individual is effectively understood, motivated, and managed. It is economical and is quick to take, making it the ideal choice for your business.
Profiles Team Analysis™ makes team building both challenging and rewarding. Effective teams achieve results far beyond what individuals could accomplish on their own. But team building is far more than putting a group of people together and hoping for the best. This system reports the attributes of each team member, shows the team’s strengths and alerts the team leader to potential problems. |