Call Center Survey - Sample Reports
The Profiles Call Center Survey will produce two reports. To help you better understand how The Profiles Call Center Survey can help your business, we have provided you with a set of Sample Reports for you to view or print.
The Profiles Call Center Survey was developed to help select individuals who will be successful in Call Center Sales positions. The report covers both Understanding of Sales Practices (a skill) and eight important behavioral characteristic areas: Assertiveness, Persistence, Empathy, Drive, Organization, Maturity, Creativity, and Incentive.
Built in to the software are two patterns or benchmarks that were developed with years of research. There is a pattern for an Inbound Sales position and an Outbound Sales position. As you use the reports you will see that there is a difference in these two patterns that reflects that different personalities seem to be more successful at each type of position.
Call Center Outbound Report